Search Engine Optimization – aka – SEO is the process by which you can improve your ranking score for certain search terms in a search engine like google or yahoo. Let’s say you own a florist shop called Deloris the Florist in Regina Saskatchewan Canada.When someone searches their preferred search engine with the key words… Continue reading SEO Guide to Search Engine Optimization
Category: Website Design
Free Photos To Use On Your Website or Blog
Quality visuals are essential to brand marketing which relies on rich visuals to attract and engage brand audience. Using photos you found online could mean infringing on copyright laws. So how does one find free images that are 100% legal to use? SEARCH ENGINE IMAGE SEARCH One way to find free images that are available… Continue reading Free Photos To Use On Your Website or Blog
Image Optimization for Web
The important thing to remember is that every webpage has a PAGE LOAD TIME.This is calculated by how much data needs to be uploaded to the users computer. The data on a page can also be called the WEB PAGE WEIGHT. Other factors include the internet providers service, such as high speed vs. dial up.… Continue reading Image Optimization for Web