Free Photos To Use On Your Website or Blog

Quality visuals are essential to brand marketing which relies on rich visuals to attract and engage brand audience. Using photos you found online could mean infringing on copyright laws. So how does one find free images that are 100% legal to use?


One way to find free images that are available and legal to reuse for your website is by searching your preferred search engine. I will use google here but most search engines offer a version of this option.

Search by Images in the google search engine. Here you will see a tab “tools”; here there is an option to choose “usage rights”. Selecting  “labeled for reuse with modification” means that these images are labeled as free to use, share or modify even commercially, totally free!

PIXABAY Free Images

My next tip is the site pixabay. Pixabay offers free high quality images and videos with a polished commercial look.


For something a little different is the New York Public Libraries online digital collections which is mostly comprised of vintage imagery.   When searching for a term, I recommend ticking off the box “search only public domain materials”

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